Knight Hawk Coal's Community
Our commitment to the communities near which we operate is reflected in the actions by our employees who generously support worthy causes and are involved in local programs.
Our employees are coaches in youth sports, mentors and Sunday school teachers – a typical cross section that makes up the fabric of a community.
In times of need, the people of Knight Hawk Coal answer the call. Each holiday season they donate enough goods – more than two pallets full – to help stock area food pantries. At our annual Christmas party they give more than $20,000 – a level matched by the company – that is shared among local organizations who provide toys and clothing to needy children and their families. At that same party, they’ll bring more than 2,000 toys to be given to the needy.
As a whole, we support numerous local events such as an indoor softball tournament held in Du Quoin, IL each winter that draws dozens of teams from throughout the Midwest and raises thousands of dollars for Special Olympics. We are also involved with many worthy organizations and activities throughout the year as a responsible corporate citizen should be, but it is the benevolence of our employees that defines us.